Generational differences in the way physicians approach the future of healthcare

I used to think that physicians and the medical staffs that they belonged to did not reflect society’s attitude toward the more senior members. As a young resident in Internal Medicine I was in awe of those grey haired giants of medicine that would lead us on rounds and challenge us to excellence. But now when I look in the mirror I see to my utter disbelief that I have become one of those grey haired elders of medicine. But what is different is that the younger physicians don’t seem to think that wisdom comes with years.

It would appear that we are no different than society at large. Just take a look at politics where there are a large number of politicians who are quite “senior” that are being marginalized by players like The Squad. Don’t get me wrong, I believe new ideas are very important if we hope to get healthcare on the right track but I believe older and experienced doctors can still have new and vibrant ideas.